Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Under Shirt

I have strong opinions on the undershirt. Shocker, I know.

You wear an undershirt for two reasons. Because you sweat and that helps keep everything in place and you’re not secure enough to show some skin. I wear one almost every time I wear a button-down. Personally there is nothing worse then sweat coming from under the shirt. The underarms, back, under the chest (big dudes have this problem). It’s gross and unsightly so I’m with you on the use of the undershirt.

Wearing one is not what gets me. I can’t stand seeing the white collar of an undershirt peering out from under a usually much darker button-down. I don’t think it looks good and is far from sophisticated. It looks everyday, average and extremely blue collar. I’m not dogging the blue collar worker here but they are not known for great style or fashion. It’s time to step up your game.

Take a cue from celebrities. When was the last time you saw David Beckham with an white t-shirt coming out from under of his Armani button-down? Yeah, never. He’s got a hot, hairless chest and he’s got confidence to spare. Do some manscaping on that rainforest you call a chest and get over it. Quality girls appreciate a little chest hair and some skin, trust me. You’ll instantly look a little cooler, a little more laid back and much more stylish.
david beckham_posh david beckham

If you can’t show some skin at work change jobs or wear a tie.

A button-down without a tie should be worn with the top two buttons undone. Most button-downs look weird and uncomfortable if you have just the top unbuttoned. If you button all of them with no tie you will look ridiculous. You want to look like this guy?
that guy

The undershirt should be low v-neck or scoop-neck so as to show as little as possible in the front. I wear American Apparel’s Summer T-Shirt. It has a crazy low v-neck that I can’t really wear in public but under a shirt it’s perfect. I get the comfort I need, the sweat protection I desire and I don’t look like a jackass with some stark white shirt distracting from my badass button-down!
The summer tshirt_low vneck

Polo also sells one of the lowest v-neck t-shirts out there and I’ve started to see the low v-neck offered by other clothiers like Calvin Kline and Hugo Boss.

A standard white wife-beater usually has a low v-neck that works as well but the lack of coverage and the possibility of its mesh fabric contrasting with the smooth fabric of a pressed Oxford is not for me.

Moral of this lesson, get over your insecurities, show some skin and blast into the land of style with no white shirt showing.

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